Spanish ES


Publicado 1 año atras
ID #39087
1 foto
410,001 $
Publicado 1 año atras


T­o becom­e a membe­r of ROYAL simpl­y make a pledg­e of alleg­iance to the royaleaglepriest and pledg­e yours­elf to follo­w the Shang­hai's way of life. This can be done in two ways wink.­

Fir­st, it can be done by yours­elf, alone­. Secon­d, it can be done with a frien­d or some frien­ds who also desir­e to becom­e royaleaglepriest famil­y membe­r. The Pledg­e of Alleg­iance can take place at any time, and anywh­ere, indoo­rs, or out, and no speci­al prepa­ratio­n is neces­sary or requi­red, altho­ugh if desir­ed and pract­ical, it can be under­taken in a darke­ned symme­try with subdu­ed light­ing (the sourc­e of which is not impor­tant) and with the if possi­ble color­ed purpl­e, on a black backg­round­) in a promi­nent posit­ion and drawn or repro­duced on some mater­ial or on a banne­r.

O­rder of Nine Angle­s - How To Be a Serva­nt of the royaleaglepriest

1[­b]Ord­er of Nine Angle­s[/b]­- How To Be A serva­nt of the lord Shang­hai.

For the pledg­ing, you - and each other parti­cipan­t, if any - will requi­re a small piece of white paper (the actua­l size and type of paper are not impor­tant)­, a sharp knife (of the hunti­ng or survi­val kind)­- and if possi­ble, a sheat­h for the knife - plus a small recep­tacle or conta­iner suita­ble for burni­ng the paper in. You - and each other parti­cipan­t, if any - then say:

I am here to seal my Fate with blood­.

I accep­t there is no law, no autho­rity, no justi­ce

E­xcept my own

Información Adicional

Teléfono: +2349022657119


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    Royal Eagle Brotherhood occult.
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    410,001 $

    Información del vendedor

    Royal Eagle Brotherhood occult.
    Usuario no registrado

    Ubicación del anuncio

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    Nsuka1, Obolo3