Spanish ES

Driver, Security, landscaping, Chef, Gardner needed in USA and Canada

Mexico, Aguascalientes, Arroyo Hondo
Publicado 4 años atras
ID #20814
1 - 2 de 2
5,000 $
Driver, Security, landscaping, Chef, Gardner needed in USA and Canada
Mexico, Aguascalientes, Arroyo Hondo,
Publicado 4 años atras


We are looking for an experienced and loving nanny with a genuine love for babies and young children to look after a 2YEARS OLD BABY Boy. You will be required and expected to work for approximately 40 hours per week for 8 hours. daily from Monday to Friday.


AU PAIR/NANNY: $3,700 Monthly (weekly allowance $220)
DRIVER: $4,500 Monthly (weekly allowance $220)
CHEF: $4,500 Monthly (weekly allowance $200)
HOUSE SITTER/HOUSE KEEPER: $4,200 Monthly (weekly allowance $200)
CAREGIVER/COOK/NURSING : $4,500 Monthly (weekly allowance $200)
SECURITY/GARDENER : $4,600 Monthly (weekly allowance $350)

You shall have a big room, huge, and has a double bed, with sitting area and TV/DVD/Video/Hifi. There is also a wireless broadband internet in the house!!Do well to send us your references or resume, and we would get in touch with them.We shall discuss travel arrangements in due course of which I would be of generous assistance to you.

Interested applicant should get back to me with their resumes/CV
email [email protected]
For more on the processing

We sincerely look forward to hear FROM you.
Best Wishes.

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    Persona privada
    Registrado en 23. Oct 2019
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    5,000 $

    Información del vendedor

    Persona privada
    Registrado en October 23, 2019

    Ubicación del anuncio

    Mexico, Aguascalientes, Arroyo Hondo
    2200 Monitor 8b