Spanish ES

Industrial property for rent, Tlalnepantla area

Mexico, México, Tlalnepantla
Publicado 2 meses atras
ID #41609
El vendedor no subió ninguna imagen El vendedor no subió ninguna imagen
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Condición: Nuevo
Transacción: Alquilar
Industrial property for rent, Tlalnepantla area
Mexico, México, Tlalnepantla,
Publicado 2 meses atras


Available space: 4,699 m2

Total square footage of the industrial warehouse: 4,699 m2

Office or mezzanine square footage: 265 m2

Minimum height of the industrial warehouse: 12 m

Floor resistance: 15 tons/m2

Type of walls: TILT-UP

Type of roof: Multipanel with 2.5” thermo-acoustic insulation/ polycarbonate

Distance between columns: –

Platforms: 1 for every 300 rentable m2

Ramps: 1

Fire system: FM Global and NFPA certification

Water supply: Cistern

Electric supply: Shared substation

Switching yard: 50% of the total space

Lighting: 10% natural lighting/ LED T-5

Parking: 15 drawers

Surveillance: Security booth

Availability time: Immediate

Additional details:

– Hydraulic leveling ramps

– 2 air changes per hour

– Fully fenced park at 3 m height

– Cross docks- 104 m


*Prices are subject to change without notice

Información Adicional

Teléfono: 5586182848


Contacte al vendedor

    Persona privada
    Registrado en 25. Jul 2018
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    Información del vendedor

    Persona privada
    Registrado en July 25, 2018

    Ubicación del anuncio

    Mexico, México, Tlalnepantla